Results matching “lake biwa”

Shiga Adventure Tourism

We are happy to announce the launch of our "Shiga Adventure Tourism" and partnership with Ayabex Inc!

Shiga Prefecture is wonderfully located for convenient access, only nine minutes from Kyoto, and yet is the home of Lake Biwa--the largest lake in Japan--and many other highly appealing natural spots. Tourism in the big city is always enticing, but how about stepping out of your comfort zone and enjoying a spot of adventure tourism in Shiga, seeking relaxation in both body and mind.


<Experience Option> Suited to hiking beginners: explore the nature and history of the mother mountain of Japanese Buddhism

◆Hieizan(Mt. Hiei) Trekking (Vicinity of the summit of Mt. Hiei to Enryakuji Temple Sai-to & To-do areas)

Trekking that can be casually enjoyed even by novice walkers. Take the ancient pilgrimage route up Hieizan to Enryakuji Temple, looking out over the impressive Lake Biwa from between the trees along the way.

<Experience Option> Suited to experienced hikers: Trekking the ancient road from Kyoto to Miidera Temple in Otsu

◆Trekking Over Nyoi (From Reikanji to Miidera, approx. 4 hours)

A pilgrimage route from Mt. Daimonji, over Nyoigatake and Mt. Nagara, to Miidera temple. Intended for more experienced hikers.

<Experience Option> A walk around town

◆Otsu Hyakucho Hizakurige Tour (A walk around town) 

Kyu Tokaido(The old Tokaido road) is one of the five roads that connected Nihonbashi in Edo-period Tokyo with Sanjo in Kyoto. This tour will take you around Otsu, a lodging town along the road, including the atmospheric shopping district and other famous sites.

<Experience Option> Farming experience

◆Visit to a local farmer and making mochi / eating lunch

◆Sailing Lake Biwa on the Shiga made yacht "ACTUS" (approx. 3 hours)

<Experience Option> Biwaichi cycling

Free and unfettered cycling at your own pace, using the Biwaichi Cycling Navi app.

<Experience Option> Motor paragliding

◆Take to the skies with a motor paragliding experience (flight time approx. 15 min)

<Experience Option> Watersport activities

◆Experience a range of watersport activities, including the stand-up paddleboard

L'île des dieux

Qui connaît Shiga, connaît le lac Biwa, le plus important du Japon. Ses eaux mouillent les berges de trois îles : Okishima, Takeshima et Chikubushima. Après avoir visité la deuxième, nous jetons notre dévolu sur la dernière.


Chikibushima est reconnue comme un lieu de puissance spirituelle, où l'on peut recharger sa barre d'énergie en s'entourant de nature. Lieu sacré depuis l'an 420, l'île abrite aujourd'hui le sanctuaire shinto de Tsukubusuma et les temples bouddhistes de Hogonji. Ils
sont consacrés en partie à la déesse Benzaiten, ou Sarasvati, qui est connectée à l'eau et à tout ce qui coule, dont la parole, la musique et le savoir, et est considérée comme la sainte patronne des artistes. Aussi appelée Benten, c'est la seule divinité féminine des sept
dieux japonais du bonheur modernes.


Nous embarquons au port d'Imazu, sur la côte ouest du lac. Les bateaux de la Biwako Kisen partent d'ici et de Nagahama plusieurs fois par jour. Nous passons les 25 minutes du voyage au grand air, et, bientôt, l'île se dévoile peu à peu jusqu'à ce qu'on aperçoive le port
et une partie des escaliers. Une légende dit que Chikubushima serait la tête coupée d'une déesse-montagne qui aurait osé dépasser le mont Ibuki, et il faut être en forme pour gravir les 165 marches qui mènent directement au pavillon réservé à Benzaiten du Hogonji. Plus
d'un chemin y mène, mais préparez-vous à monter, quel que soit votre choix!


Après avoir payé notre entrée, nous montons, donc, nous arrêtant seulement pour prendre quelques photos et pour le lavage rituel des mains. Le pavillon est entouré de verdure et de plus petits bâtiments. On peut faire signer son livre de sceaux et se procurer une clochette en forme d'oiseau--l'une des 6 à collectionner à différents temples de la préfecture--à gauche, ou prier à une divinité protectrice à droite.


Le temple lui-même nous en met plein la vue : une partie de ses murs est couverte d'un nombre impressionnant de daruma, de petites poupées à l'apparence de matriochkas rouges, peintes à l'image de Benzaiten. En échange de 500 yens, vous pouvez faire un
vœu que vous glisserez dans la poupée, et pour lequel ils offriront des prières pendant une année.


Quittant ce lieu charmant, nous montons jusqu'au point accessible le plus élevé de l'île. Ici se tient une pagode vermillon dont l'intérieur coloré contient un Bouddha doré, ainsi qu'un musée rempli de trésors anciens. La salle n'est pas très grande, mais les artefacts sont
assez intéressants pour qu'on y reste un certain temps. Ce jour-là, nous avons aussi la chance de voir une impressionnante mante religieuse près de la pagode!


Après avoir tout exploré, nous descendons vers la dernière section de l'île, où se cachent le pavillon principal du Hogonji, ainsi que le sanctuaire de Tuskubusuma. Au moment de notre visite, la porte principale de Hogonji était en rénovation, mais elle a depuis été
terminée avec de nouvelles couleurs. À l'entrée, on trouve un Bouddha de bois tout usé : si vous avez mal où que ce soit, vous n'avez qu'à frotter la statue au même endroit pour lui transférer votre douleur! Bien entendu, il vaut mieux éviter de le faire en temps de



Nous suivons alors un corridor étroit jusqu'à un petit magasin et à l'alcôve de dévotion.

Vous pouvez acheter des porte-bonheur, des chandelles ou de l'encens, selon vos besoins. Quelques pas de plus et nous nous trouvons dans le Funa Rôka, ou corridor du bateau, qui mène directement au sanctuaire principal. Son nom vient de son toit, qui faisait
originalement partie du bateau de plaisance de Hideyoshi Toyotomi. Des morceaux du château de ce dernier sont aussi intégrés à l'architecture du sanctuaire.


Comme Hogonji, Tsukubusuma est fait de plusieurs sections. En descendant l'escalier du sanctuaire principal, on se retrouve dans une petite cour avec quelques statues et d'autres pavillons.

Le plus gros de ces derniers, le Ryujin Haisho, est le plus intéressant : dédié au dieu dragon qui habite dans le lac, c'est là qu'on peut participer au kawarake-nage, ou lancer de poteries. Nous achetons d'abord les petits disques en poterie; nous écrivons notre nom sur
le premier, et un souhait sur le deuxième. Il faut alors lancer les disques au travers du torii qui se dresse devant le lac; si vous parvenez à y lancer les deux, votre souhait sera exaucé par le dieu dragon. C'est plus difficile que ça en a l'air et nous ne réussissons qu'à
moitié ce jour-là.


Nos disques lancés, nous retournons vers le port afin de ne pas manquer notre bateau.
Nous descendons le reste des escaliers pour nous retrouver au port avant de relaxer en voguant vers Imazu.


Have you tried Omi Beef?

Japanese cuisine offers a variety beef dishes, including Sukiyaki and Shabu-Shabu (hot pots) etc,. Over 200 brands of Japanese beef, the most highly regarded are Matsuzaka beef, Kobe beef and Omi beef, known as the Japan's Top 3 Wagyu brands said with over 400 years.

While Kobe beef may be better known internationally, it's actually Omi beef, which uses Japanese black cattle grown in Shiga Prefecture that has the longest history of the 3 brands.

Omi beef comes from carefully selected stock cattle bred in the abundant nature around Lake Biwa in Shiga Prefecture.


Many Omi beef fattening farmers carefully selected and use domestic feed with assured safety, such as straw of Omi Rice. Rice straw fed to the cattle will eventually become compost that cultivates Omi Rice, and its straw will again be fed to cattle.

The human and eco-friendly, sustainable cycle system that combines crop cultivation and livestock farming is formed within the Shiga prefecture.

Though it may not be as internationally famous as Kobe beef, Omi beef is regarded as a beef brand to be carefully appreciated by those in the know. Enjoy the extra special flavor, tender sweetness and mellow aroma even mesmerized Shoguns of Japan.

Shiga Lake Biwa Vlog was launched!

We are happy to announce the launch of the English log of Shiga / Lake Biwa on our official Youtube.

You can see the scenery of Shiga and Lake Biwa with our Inbound Tourism Department members!

Yamabushi Experience at Miidera Temple

Enjoy the betting on Boat Race Biwako

Disocver the REAL Ninja house who Ninja was lived here!

Watch another vlog on our YouTube :

2 open air activities of Shiga / Lake Biwa

24th September, 2020

9:30 JR Otsu station

We arrived at Otsu Station in Shiga Prefecture at 9:30 am, which is conveniently only 9 minutes away from Kyoto Station via the JR train system.Shiga was known as Ōmi Province or Gōshū before the prefectural system was established. Omi was a neighbor of Nara and Kyoto, at the junction of western and eastern Japan. During the period 667 to 672, Emperor Tenji founded a palace in Otsu. Although in current times, the prefecture is known as Shiga, you can see the old province name very prevalently in location names as well as their revered Ōmi Beef, one of the most well known beef brands in Japan along with Kobe Beef.

10:00 Arrive at Marina Club Revre

MARINA CLUB RIVRE is located only 30 minutes away from Kyoto and one hour away from Osaka using the JR Kyoto line and Kosei line. Take one step further for more fun and quality time.Transfer available from JR Katata station.

10:15~12:00 Sailboat (including instruction)

At the Marina Club Rivre, you can try a multitude of water based activities including SUP (Stand Up Paddle Boarding), wind sailing and yachting. We chose the latter for our activity this time around and took off in a yacht with a very experienced captain. While riding around the lake, he pointed out various points of interest such as Omi-Fuji, the tallest mountain in the area. After a bit of instruction, passengers are also allowed to pilot the yacht around the lake.

12:00~13:00 Omi beef BBQ

The Marina Club Rivre also offers lunch packages as well. We went with the Omi Beef package but they also offer a chicken set as well.

Omigyu (Omi beef) Set Menu (locally produced)

Oumigyu is considered to be among the top-three types of Japanese "wagyu" beef, together with Kobe beef and Matsuzaka beef. It has been recognized as a type of wagyu beef for over 400-years. Please enjoy this delicate, tender, and delicious beef.

Tankai chicken Set Menu (locally produced)

If you love chicken, we recommend our locally-produced Tankai chicken. The male chickens tend to be leaner, while the females tend to be tender, well-balanced, and moist. Both have a deeply satisfying taste. Enjoy the various textures and consistencies of your chicken, perfectly complemented by our fresh vegetables.

13:20 Arrive at Moriyama Giant Rental Cycle store

Cycling around Lake Biwa is famous cycling route for beginner cyclist in Western Japan. Known as "Biwaichi", this route aims to show riders the more local side of Shiga. ne can expect to run into all sorts of temples, shrines and lovely locals who are keen to share their slice of Japan with you.

Giant Store Biwako Moriyama was opened at Marriott Hotel, so there is no lack of accomodation for those wishing to travel leisurely around the lake.

As the Biwako Ohashi Bridges, which connect Otsu City and Moriyama City in Shiga Prefecture, will mark their 50th anniversary this year, a commemorative ceremony will be held on September 28. The 1.4-kilometer-long southern bridge will be pedestrianized for the first time since its opening. The anniversary will be celebrated through events such as 1,000 people holding hands while standing in a row on the bridge and others.

The first Biwako Ohashi Bridge was opened on September 28, 1964 as a "bridge of dreams" connecting the west coast and the southern and east coasts of the lake in order to contribute to industrial development and promote tourism at Lake Biwa. In 1980, pedestrian and bicycle lanes were installed. In response to increased traffic, a new bridge was constructed on the north side in July 1994, making a total of four lanes. Currently the bridges are run by Shiga Prefectural Road Public Corporation. More than 30,000 cars per day cross the bridges.


The Ukimido, the "floating temple hall" at Mangetsuji Temple, is famous for being featured in one of the Eight Views of Omi, "wild geese returning home at Katata." The current structure is a recreation that was erected in 1937, and then underwent repairs in 1982, yet it fully retains the atmosphere of the original construction. The Kannondo in the temple grounds also contains an Important Cultural Property in the form of a statue of Sho Kannon.

⇒Back to Moriyama Giant Rental cycle store

16;30 Depart from Moriyama

17:30 Check-in at Hotel Koo

The accommodation is very nice and modern. You feel away from the city. It can be a bit noisy during the day, but if you want to relax at night it's perfect for you. I stayed alone and it was a bit too big for me, but if I ever go to Shiga, I would definitely go with a friend or 4.

Fujii Honke Sake Brewery was established in 1831 and sole brewery to make and provide sacred Sake to the Japanese Imperial Court and shrine all over Japan because of the Inperial Niiname Harvest Festival.

04981s.jpgLake Biwa is surrounded by mountains and is known as one of the ancient lakes of the World, It's unique geographic character makes the local weather and water ideal for sake brewing and rice cultivation.


This sake called "Kyokujitsu Kirara" made by very traditional ways and it was a gift for world leaders at G20 summit held in Osaka, 2019.

Also, Their Sakagura Brewery building is registered Tangible Cutural Property, it 700 years old! Over 8000 visitors a year come to Sakagura Brewery tours to learn how to make Sake traditionally.


Fujii Honke Sake Brewery offers international shipping. For more details, please contact them by email using the following template.

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Are you looking for a unique and high-quality handbag?

DSC_0269 (1).jpg

Kobo IMURA creates tailor-made handbags featuring a beautiful spiral stich on the handles.

All the handbags was made by locally famous artisan called Ms Imura.

DSC_0266.jpgMost unique one is a "Biwa Leather Bag" and inspired by waves of Lake Biwa, Shiga prefecture.

Well-crafted, light and roomy and come with a shoulder strap. The perfect handbag for daily use.

スパイラルびわレザー.jpgPlease visit their website to browsing another type of handdbags :

They are happy to selling for overseas customers, so please contact via e-mail with following details :

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Funazushi is traditionally made with a kind of Japanese carp fish called Nigorobuna, unique to Lake Biwa in Shiga Prefecture. Recently known as a very expensive fermented food, and the recipe dating back over 1000 years....

What is funazushi? It's the oldest (means not fresh) sushi you've ever eaten. Honestly, its year old Sushi!!! Watch this video to know about Funazushi and supplier "Shiseian".

Take a leap of faith and try Shiseian's delicious funazushi as the store offers casual and modern variations at an affordable price.



The taste like cheese, and good for your health because it's made by fermented food.

Price : 1080 yen ex. shipping fee etc.

Visit their website :

They are happy to selling for overseas customers, so please contact via e-mail with following details :

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3. Cheese Funazushi / Kunsaido

Old and new.


Funazushi is traditionally made with a kind of Japanese carp fish called Nigorobuna, unique to Lake Biwa in Shiga Prefecture. Recently known as a very expensive fermented food.


"Cheese Funazushi" - A new type of Funazushi that's is based on the concept of easily bringing Shiga's traditional food culture to the dining table today. Also its affordable price.

This masterpiece, with the light and smooth texture of its compressed cheese filling, goes perfectly with alchol even wine.


Visit the website :

For more information, please contacct via e-mail :


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Message to Kunsaido :

A suncatcher is a small reflective ornament and very popular especially in Europe.
Most suncatchers may include glass and be hung indoors near a window to "catch" sunlight.

Based next to the picturesque Lake Biwa is B&M Techno Service, Ltd where they offer accessories inspired by Japan's largest freshwater lake.

20180617_1.jpgTheir suncatchers are using some small Biwa pearl, this pearls are freshwater pearl made in Lake Biwa. Enjoy the beautiful blue hues of Lake Biwa's waters from B&M Techno Service's colourful designs.

B&M Techno Service is also selling more Lake Biwa series products, so please visit their website to see it :

For more information, please contacct via e-mail :


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